Speakers and authors of proposals at MINDfulness conference

ESZTER NAGY , PhD-candidate at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Ergonomics and Psychology.
She is doing her research about teacher burnout. She would like to help teachers who experience burnout syndrome to heal, therefore she teaches self-compassion and helps them to reconnect to their true values. Eszter likes to meet new people, has an artistic vein, and she likes animals. She likes to spend time with her family and her boyfriend and she is into self-development courses.

dr. SANGEETA BHATIA, Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology, Gargi College (University of Delhi)
Sangeeta is working with teaching and research experience of 30 years in the areas of Health Psychology, Life Span Development and Positive Psychology.
She was recently awarded the Senior Research Fellowship by the prestigious body of higher education in India, the ICSSR, where she worked on understanding Adolescent Risk Behaviors, and using Mindfulness as a mitigating effect.
A teacher, researcher, mentor, parent who values new ideas & implementation of novel ways of classroom teaching in bringing about a positive change in the lives of students she interacts with everyday.
Her major projects have been in
‘Understanding Resilience across different contexts’ and developing interventions that promote mindfulness based on research findings.
She has experience in Application of Positive Psychology to enhance well-being in our daily lives through: Counselling, Workshops, Programme planning for Primary Prevention, Seminars and Lectures, neuropsychological assessment.
Her Doctoral and Post-Doctoral research work was on Psychosocial aspects of Disability: Caregiving and issues in Parkinson's disease, Intervention planning for persons with disability and their families.

dr. PAOLO DI SIA , adjunct professor by the University of Padova and the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy).
His scientific interests span transdisciplinary physics, classical and quantum-relativistic nanophysics, nano-neuroscience, quantum consciousness, theories of everything, foundations of physics, history and philosophy of science. He is author of about 300 works to date, is reviewer of some academic books, editor of international academic books, reviewer of many international journals. He obtained many international awards, is member of many Scientific Societies and International Advisory/Editorial Boards, recently awarded with the title of Doctor of Mathematics (D.Math) as legitimate honor by the International American Council for Research and
Development, California Public University, USA.
His website: www.paolodisia.com

MAURO LUGANO, Flying Tortoise Society
Mauro was born in La Plata, Argentina, in 1986. During his adolescence, he experienced an early fascination for beauty and light, which motivated him to study photography and cinema. Travelling across Latin America with a documentary project to explore the roots of his culture, he sensed that the road was showing him that art is valuable only when it serves to cast light into the human soul and awake the consciousness. Since then, he started to explore his therapeutic vocation, studying Oriental Manual Therapies. As the proverb goes, “The master appears when the student is ready”, hence in 2010, back in his hometown, he met El Centro, the school directed by Gustavo Villar, where he began his formation in Tai Chi and Qi Gong. There he learnt different styles from both modern and traditional systems, among them Zhi Neng Qi Gong, to which he immediately dedicated himself, after recognizing it as a marvelous and efficient way to transform human health and develop consciousness potential. He continues to study from great teachers such as Yuantong Liu and Anne Hering, and actively participates in researches and translations with the objective of promoting the benefits of these art/sciences to the world.

mag. ANJA TRAMPUŠ PURGER, Flying Tortoise Society
Anja has gained her Master’s degree in Sinology. During her studies in Taiwan and Shanghai, she got acquainted with traditional Chinese medicine. Her deep devotion for ancient knowledge led her to expand her translation expertise in this field, which evolved into a desire to put her knowledge into practice through therapeutic work. She specialized in acupuncture massage therapy according to Penzel and CEPM Taping therapy. Through her work as a sports instructor dealing with various generations, she has been exploring the beauty of movement and building on her expertise in balancing the body with natural healing methods through Zhineng Qigong techniques. Together with Mauro Lugano, Andraž Purger and Mira Trampuš, she is committed to developing and exploring the dimensions of human potential in the framework of the Flying Tortoise Society for promoting the quality of life.

ANDRAŽ PURGER, Flying Tortoise Society
Andraž has been exploring the human body for over thirteen years. To him as a sports teacher, movement represents a way of life. He drew on his extensive experience obtained through years of studying and training, conducting exercise trainings for adults and working with patients to form the Rewiring Motor Patterns programme. He has been passing on his knowledge on body awareness, activation of specific muscle groups, and the proper movement patterns as a personal trainer. He has also been active as a masseur for over a decade, specializing in the areas of traditional Chinese medicine, sports massage, and the acupuncture massage therapy according to Penzel. Already during his studies, he discovered his love for Taiji, and has lately been furthering his expertise in the art of movement through Zhineng Qigong, which he practices and promotes within the Flying Tortoise Society.

dr. HELENA KOROŠEC, Society DrugaZgodba, Peter Hess® Academy, Slovenia
Helena is a doctor of science and has been working in the teaching profession for more than twenty years. Initially, she was employed as a class teacher, and is currently a higher education teacher at the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, in the field of puppet and dramatic expression. As a certified Peter Hess® sound massage practitioner and a certified Peter Hess KliK® expert in the field of communication with sound she develops the use and working of sound bowels for children within the Society DrugaZgodba and the Peter Hess Academy, Slovenia.

MAJDA KOVAČEC, Math and Technics & Technology teacher at Primary School in Naklo.
V času uvajanja devetletke je sodelovala pri predstavljanju novega načina poučevanja. V okviru prenavljanja šolstva je bila soavtor (prispevek) knjige Tehniški dnevi v devetletni OŠ, katere avtor je bil Franko Florjančič.
Leta 2004 je zbolela za rakom in po tem napisala knjige:
– Živeti vsak trenutek. Majda a si ti še živa? (Domus 2006)
- Ponovno rojstvo ali pot duševnega reševanja (društvo MavričnoSonce 2009)
- PrinašalciSREČE z modrostmi iz nevidnega sveta (društvo MavričnoSonce, 2012)
Opravila je triletno šolo za bioterapevte pri Marjanu Ogorevcu, ter enoletno šolanje za učiteljico Shakti dance-joga plesa, pri svetovno znani učiteljici Sari Avtar iz Italije. Je predstavnica Društva za osebnostni razvoj, MavričnoSonce. Že vse od tedaj dalje pomaga ljudem pri osebnem reševanju, tako na delavnicah, kot z osebnim svetovanjem. V šoli s sodelavko Barbaro Kordež poučujeta izbirni predmet Šola za življenje, kar je pionirsko delo v javni šoli.

BARBARA KORDEŽ, Sport teacher at Primary School in Naklo.
Pot jo je zanesla v šport za zdravje in tudi v fizoterapevtsko dejavnost. Vedno jo je zanimalo delovanje človeškega telesa in kaj sami lahko naredimo za svoje zdravje in dobro počutje.
Začela se je zanimati za tradicionalno kitajsko medicino (TKM) in opravila enoletni šolanje Tuina terapije pri dr. Edvinu Derviševiću. Spoznala se je z različnimi tehnikami masaže, se udeležila raznih seminarjev in delavnic.
Na OŠ Naklo poučuje šport. Njen cilj je otrokom pomagati, da obvladujejo in razumejo svoje telo, se ga zavedajo in znajo ustrezno skrbeti zanj. Pri učencih skušja razvijati zavedanje, da so čustva, ki jih doživljajo, odvisna od njih samih. Poudarja, da je pomembna komponenta posameznikovega življenja, da se osredotoča na reševanje problema in ne na težavo, ki je nastala. O vsem tem se učijo pri izbirnem predmetu Šola za življenje, ki ga vodita z Majdo Kovačec. Tematika je zelo zanimiva tudi za učitelje, zato občasno organizirata delavnice za sodelavce, kjer učitelje učita osnovnih principov vadbe za lastne potrebe. Širita strpnost, da sprejemamo sebe in druge in smo hvaležni za vse kar imamo v svojem življenju. S takim delovanjem vplivata na dobre odnose v kolektivu in na medsebojno povezanost.
Judita Bendelja
(Srednja zdravstvena šola Celje)
Nataša Bergant
(Osnovna šola Domžale)
Vera Cunk Manić
(Srednja šola Slovenska Bistrica)
Andreja Čas
(Zavod za gluhe in naglušne)
Nataša Čupeljić
(OŠ Frana Roša, Celje)
Andreja Čušin Gostiša
(OŠ Ledina, bolnišnična šola, Ljubljana)
Andreja Fekonja
(Vrtec Gorišnica, Gorišnica)
Polonca Hajšek Pavlič
(Srednja elektro-računalniška šola Maribor)
Daniela Hergan Grosek
(Srednja elektro-računalniška šola Maribor)
Vesna Hojnik
(II. gimnazija Maribor)
Barbara Jekoš
(Osnovna šola Spodnja Šiška)
Lea Jusufović Glažar
(I. gimnazija v Celju)
Sonja Kitak
(Gimnazija Jožeta Plečnika)
Marjeta Klevže
(Zavod za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana)
Dejan Korotaj
(II. gimnazija Maribor)
Goran Kosem
(I. Gimnazija v Celju)
Katja Krašovec
(OŠ Brinje Grosuplje)
Tina Kurent
Kaja Lenič
(Osnovna šola Log-Dragomer)
Tjaša Markežič
(Prva gimnazija Maribor)
Emira Najdenova
(OŠ Nove Fužine)
Lea Nemec
(Gimnazija Ledina)
Silvestar Ovčar
(I. gimnazija v Celju)
Jana Pertot Tomažič
(OŠ Domžale)
Jožica Plešnik
(Šolski center Velenje)
Damjana Pregeljc
(Srednja tehniška šola Koper)
Alenka Prevec
(OŠ Ledina, Bolnišnična šola, Ljubljana)
Polona Rajher
(III. gimnazija Maribor)
Helena Rihtar
(II. gimnazija Maribor)
Katja Stošić
(III. gimnazija Maribor)
Petra Šegula
Andreja Šifer
(Osnovna šola Gorica)
Anita Tancik
(Osnova šola Domžale)
Marjeta Vertovšek
(Osnovna šola Pohorskega odreda Slovenska)
Valerija Vnuk Tušak
(JVIZ Gorišnica – Vrtec Gorišnica)
Aljoša Vodeb
(Osnovna šola Šmarje pri Jelšah)
Katarina Zupan
(Srednja šola Domžale)
Slavka Žmaucar
(Gimnazija Šentvid)